Amazing Thailand
Land of smiles


Tamachart Restaurant in Phuket City has got to be the most unusual, out-of-the-ordinary eatery this side of Bangkok.

The word tamachart translates into English as 'natural’ and many people in Phuket use the English word when discussing this oddly fitted out Thai-Chinese eating place.

Tamachart is a veritable crazy house filled to the rafters with old valve radios, sculpted masks, seashell lamps, hanging plants, fish tanks made out of TVs and computer monitors. Try the steamed sea bass in lemon sauce, which comes especially recommended.

Open: Daily from 10.30 am to 11 pm

62/5 Phuthon
Bangkok Rd
Talat Nuea
Phuket 83000

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The No.1 tourism destination in the world, with unforgettable treat for the body and soul in the land of smiles, healthy and rich food, comprehensive and modern health services, absolute safety, endless of variety attractions for every age and flavor. And above all: rich deep and wide 5000 years of culture of a nation that it's name says it all: Thai (freedom) land.
