Kosak Noodle
During our visits to the restaurants in Kanchanaburi, we’ve got several suggestions of local Thai restaurants in Kanchanaburi that are only known among the citizens of the city.
There was one restaurant that keeps popping up during these conversations and that was Kosak Noodle. Kosak Noodle is a local restaurant that is specialized in boat noodles and is located a little bit outside of the city centre. Here, local Thai from all classes come to enjoy a bowl of this deliciously aromatic soup for only 30 THB per bowl. You can choose your type of noodle and type of protein (for example, beef or pork), however, the soup itself is all the same. It’s recommended to order baked out pork with it as well for only 15 THB. Especially around lunchtime, this restaurant is completely packed with hungry Thai.
More information about this restaurant, including opening times, location, menu and ratings can be found on the TopTravelFoods review page of Kosak Noodle.