Amazing Thailand
Land of smiles

Free Bird Cafe

Social enterprise restaurant est. 2009 serving healthy, vegan food.

Menu is based on Shan, Burmese, Thai, and western breakfast dishes. Operates a zero waste kitchen working with local organic farmers. Make almond and coconut milk for coffee and tea. Smoothie bowls, juices, and milkshakes are on offer as well as cakes, pies, brownies, and ice cream. Ingredients are listed for each dish. In the same compound is My Best Life CNX and a charity thrift store. Air-con room inside & outside dog-friendly seating. Computer use allowed but no power outlets. Note that whilst the cafe is vegan, items with beeswax are sold on the premises. Previously at 116 Maneenoparat Rd. Note February 2022: Restaurants in Thailand are allowed to open for dine-in services. Limitations are in place for opening hours and the sale of alcohol. These limitations vary by province, please check ahead.

Now Open: Tue-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm

Categories: Vegan, Raw, Thai, Western, Take-out, Bakery, Gluten-free, Breakfast, Burmese

14 Mueang Chiang Mai District

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The No.1 tourism destination in the world, with unforgettable treat for the body and soul in the land of smiles, healthy and rich food, comprehensive and modern health services, absolute safety, endless of variety attractions for every age and flavor. And above all: rich deep and wide 5000 years of culture of a nation that it's name says it all: Thai (freedom) land.
